Sunday, March 31, 2013

Merrie Monarch

The Merrie Monarch is a week-long cultural festival with a focus on hula.  The festival is named after King David Kalakaua, the last king of the Kingdom of Hawaii (1836-1891, reigned 1874-1991).  He was known as the Merrie Monarch for his love of the joyful elements of life and was a patron of the arts.

The festival is extremely popular and it's very hard to get tickets for the main hula competitions, but there are some free events including exhibition performances by some of the competing groups and local hula schools.

Manalani Mili Hokoana English - 2013 Miss Aloha Hula

A few short videos of some these groups are here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

First preparations for the start of Phase II

We received the first delivery of materials for construction of the main house -- lumber for the concrete forms, rebar for the concrete, and concrete footings.
Lumber and rebar
Some of the footings
The house pad (where the 25 cubic yards of gravel went) and more footings. Stakes show the approximate location of the house.
House pad with stakes and string showing location of the front lanai.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Chicks are nearly full grown

The chicks are nearly as big as their mother.  Unfortunately, one of them was caught by a mongoose when they were still much smaller.  The mother hen fought off the mongoose once, but during a later attack, she wasn't able to save the chick.

Here they're resting in their natural habitat.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Closet poles installed

The poles in one closet were installed, so now we have a place to hang our clothes!

The wood is mahogany. It had to be cut to size, sanded, stained, and finished before installation.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Hilo Heart Walk & chicks

Kaiser Permanente, where Diana works, participated in the annual Hilo Heart Walk, and we went to show our support.

The walk begin at the Liliuokalani Gardens on Hilo Bay, through the Bayfront Park, and then back.  It was cloudy and rained a little, but most of the time it was nice and cool.

The turnout was much larger than we expected.
A group from the local culinary school
 Views of the bay along the route.

The chicks are growing and are starting to get their real feathers.  Here they are huddling under a bale of hay.