Monday, June 30, 2014


Now that the laundry room floor is done, the cabinets can be installed there and in the kitchen.
For the laundry room, we selected maple, frameless cabinets with flush doors.
Base cabinets
Wall cabinets on the other side. A laundry tub will be located beneath the smaller cabinets, and the washer and dryer go on the right.
When it was time to install the base cabinets here, we discovered that the pipes and the drain are not quite in the right spot--they're a little to far to the left (ideally, should be centered beneath the shorter cabinets, but anywhere in the space would be acceptable.  The plumber will have to come back and somehow move the pipes and drain, and hopefully, it won't require too much work or opening a a huge whole in the wall.
Looking out the door to the breezeway. The washer and dyer go on the left side by the door, with the laundry top towards the foreground on the left.
The kitchen cabinets are cherry with a mission-type door style, also frameless.
Base cabinets against the island. A wall stove will go in the left cabinet, and a gas cooktop will be put on the center cabinet.

Dining room base and wall cabinets.  We realized that the kitchen cabinets alone would not provide enough storage, so we put cabinets along the wall in the dining room too.
Kitchen base and wall cabinets. The dishwasher goes on the left and the sink goes under the window. When putting in these cabinets, we realized that there was no outlet for a disposal. I called the electricians, and they came that afternoon, ran a wire under the floor, and hooked it up, so the cabinet installation was completed the same day.
Kitchen and dining room with the island in the foreground
View from the other side (looking into the breakfast nook and pantry) (a sample of the granite is leaning against the wall on top of the right cabinet in the foreground; the color doesn't really show, but it's a green.)
While the cabinets were being installed, cement board was being installed in the bathrooms.
Master bath floor

Main house bathroom shower (with niche in wall)

Friday, June 27, 2014

Laundry Room and Bathroom Floor Tiles Grouted

The tiles were grouted and cleaned up a bit.

Laundry room


Thursday, June 26, 2014

Bathroom Floor Tile

The bathroom floor tile is in.

The vanity will go against the wall, and the shower is on the right
Looking towards the door
Toilet goes here
When the house was designed, we didn't really know we'd be doing in the master bathroom, and later we decided we wanted an open shower area with a sloped floor.  Normally, to do this, the floor in the shower area is built lower than the rest of the floor and then built up to create a slope, but at this point, in order to do this, we would have to trim the floor joists, curt the floor out in the shower area, and re-build that part of the floor--a change that requires revision of the building plans and approval from the Building Department. We decided we didn't want to  go through that process and do the additional construction, so we decided to build up the rest of the floor around the shower.

First we installed 1/4-inch plywood on top of the subfloor in the entire bathroom except for the shower area, and 1/4-inch cement board will go on top of that.  That will give us enough of an elevation difference for the water the drain properly.
Shower area on the right, free-standing bathtub goes on the left
Bathtub goes on the right, toilet is on the left

Doorway into the master bedroom. Vanity goes on the left, and toilet behind the low wall on the right

Monday, June 23, 2014

Laundry Room Tile Done

All of the tile in the laundry room is in. Now they need to be grouted.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Laundry Room and Bathroom Floors

Tile installation in the laundry room was started.  We selected a natural, multi-colored slate.

Cement board  was also installed in the bathroom in preparation of putting in the floor tiles.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Interior Painting

While waiting for the tile work to begin, I've been cleaning and painting the interior of the house.

The laundry room is a light off-white
Other side of the laundry room
The master bath is a pale yellow color intended to go with the tile that we're planning to use here.

Master bath looking into the master bedroom
The master closet is the same color as the bathroom

We haven't picked a color for the master bedroom yet, but these are some of the options we're considering
The kitchen, breakfast nook, and dining room areas are a pale blue, intended to go with the cabinets and contrast with the counter granite

Friday, June 6, 2014

Pine Boards

Now that the drywall is done and primed, the next step is the tiling, but the tiler can't come for a couple of weeks.  In the meantime, I've been working on the pine board.  I now have two batches (a little more than 100 boards) done.
More completed boards