Friday, May 15, 2015

Exterior Trellises

While working on the doors, I've also been painting a lot of 1x4s for trellises installed under the lanais and breezeways all around the house. The trellises aren't required for the final inspection, but they are required for homeowner's insurance on houses that are raised above the ground.
We installed most of them this week.

Front lanai
Other side of the front lanai

Monday, May 11, 2015

Dryer Vent Box

We ordered a special dryer vent box that is recessed into the wall so that the dryer can be pushed almost up to the wall without squashing the vent.

Drywall cut out from the wall. On the other side is the cement board and a liner under the shower pan in the bathroom.
Walter cutting through the bottom plate
 The box is designed to go between the studs, but unfortunately, because of the placement of the washer and dryer, we couldn't put it between the studs and had to cut one.

We put in additional bracing to compensate for the cut stud and moved the dryer outlet. Then the box goes in and is screwed into the 2x4s. Then we patch the wall.
The vent goes straight down through the floor and outside. The dryer has to be exhausted to outside the perimeter of the house, so we also have to install a duct from here to the edge of the house and a vent.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Front Doors Finished and Installed

After many hours of work prepping, staining, and applying, the front doors are finally done and installed. This is a major step towards completing all the work done needed to pass the final inspection. Now I can repeat the entire process for the kitchen door and laundry room door.

Monday, May 4, 2015


I saw a couple of macaws fly, which are not native to Hawaii, by a few days ago. Today, they came back and landed in a tree near the house. They are probably pets that are allowed to fly freely at times.
The top one is a blue-and-yellow (or blue-and-gold) macaw, and the lower one is a scarlet macaw. They are quite vocal while flying and can be heard from a long distance.